Stai rispondendo al messaggio di: Diego Escolano
[22-08-2013, a 18:13]
Re: ALTOBASSO - Ricerca
My name is Diego Escolano, from Zaragoza (Aragón/Spain). I'm a musician specialized in traditional and early music.
I play the traditional tabor pipes from Aragón with the stringed drum (we call it "salterio"), similar to your "buttafuoco" or "altobasso". I'm very interested in all the information about your instruments because I'm working over the historical repertoire; specially in the Napolitan area due all this common history we share during the Crown of Aragon. I know that there's a modern edition of the Lorenzo Baldano's "Libro Per Scriver L’Intavolatura per Sonare sopra le Sordelline", containing some music scores and information about the buttafuoco, but I can't find this book in any online book shop or a copy in any digital library. Any ideas?
We have a lot of information from iconographic and documentary sources, from the XV century in our area. When I saw the "buttafuoco" design from the Carlo da Sole, it remembers me a fresco painting from the XVII century (same as Da Sole) at the monastery of La Concepción' dome, in Epila (Zaragoza) depicting two angels playing tabor pipes; one with tabor and other with stringed drum ("salterio"). The image is not so clear, but you can infer that the stringed drum is very similar in shape to the Carlo da Sol’s ones, and wider than our contemporary salterios.
I have a facebook page about my regular classes, courses and stages; recently (at the beginning of the summer) we have organized the first edition of a “trobada de chiflo y salterio” (meeting of players) with stages, concerts, luthier exhibition, forum… This year has been the first one and quite small, but it is growing up!
You can meet us at:
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