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Stai rispondendo al messaggio di: David
[29-04-2010, a  23:36]
Re: Zampogna: The Soul of Southern Italy
qualche link sopra non funziano. Li ho riparrati qua.

In Catanzaro:

Principe playing a solo on an "a chiave" zampogna (Southern Calabrian design) in the key of MI:

Principe playing organetto and singing. They told me that this organetto was over 100 years old. Still sounds and plays great. I love this clip and regretted not being able to put it in the film:

Chiarella Domenico on the organetto with percussion accompaniment. This guy is really good at the 4 bass organetto. After seeing him play I decided I had to get one of these. Well, I've been playing it for a year and starting to get pretty good.

Filmed at Scapoli:
Leonardo Carpito on the Sicilian ciaramedda. This guy also makes pipes and made both the pipe he is playing and the one on the guy's shoulder in the background that has been elaborately painted. This is a great tarantella executed quite well by the maestro Carpito.

Filmed in San Gregorio Magno:
This recording isn't really that great, I just love the part when the ciaramella player screws up and leaves the scene and the two zampognari start playing together. San Gregorio Magno is the little town my grandfather's family came from in the province of Campania. It's where I purchased my 4 palmi "a chiave" pipe.

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